Tuesday, March 12, 2013

12 march Tuesday

10.15.  Bad night, I woke feeling shaky as if my blood pressure were very high.  I am not smelling fresh due to hot flushes.  My finger nails have a green tinge so my body is lacking something.  Every morning I feel so dreadful my blood must race around all night at top speed to cause me such disruption on waking.  The pain in my feet and ankles is disturbing enough each night waking me with their heaviness.  It feels as though heavy weights on my ankles are locked tightly around my feet like stiff tight leather boots as were once used to crush and torcher people in the old times passed.  
     I am tempted to go out in  the snow that is falling fast  furiously decorating where it has fell earlier mixing in with the brown slush on the road. 
      Our garden has the appearance of a glass palace the snow giving the vista a majesty, where it has built up on its self it looks fluffy and puffy.  It has swollen out on the trellises and branches fattening  twigs and weighing down rose leaves. The grass is now the deepest  most luxurious carpet I have ever seen.  The light in the bed room is amazingly bright  every thing is in silent mode  this morning except for  Edward-Harry who is in an angry mood.

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