Woke feeling so drained I can hardly see also breathless. I need sleep. Worked all day helping Edward-Harry clear out garage. Clutter cleared my studio. Vacumed and cleared out sun room also kitchen. I have a pain in my right ankle. June phoned, Betty is not recovering from her stroke well. She is very confused and can't move her arms also she talks complete rubbish but she is happy with in herself and doing very well seeing that she is over eighty years old. Pain in my right ankle is persist ant. The temperature outside is not so hot to day. Bath. Edward Harry put colour on the roots of my blond hair. It looks good my hair colour. I feel very tired. Royal Baby Boy Born this afternoon. No word from Anne or Lucy about their stay here... Edward Harry wrist and shoulder pain is much better due to the steroid tablets. Side effects are that he cant clear his chest so well. He has made an effort to be affectionate since I told him how I long to be held and cuddled closely. I have not had any cuddles for so long it has been quite a shock to be hugged out of the blue after so long without.
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