Rain. stayed in bed late until 11.45 AM. Driving lesson cancelled, felt very tired all day. Dreamt... I was travelling on a number 26 bus. Birthday card from Betty with gift of £15. I feel bored and down with a head ache. I have been studying images of Vivien Leigh who I have always admired for her beauty. I will attempt to cut her profile if I am able to find a suitable profile portrait of her big enough to copy for an angel face. I intend to cut family faces from old photographs and paste them on my motifs some time in the future.
I can here cars rumbling down the road they make a kind of swooshing sound. I can't detect any perfume from the red rose's Edward bought for me but they are still standing to full attention as arranged in their vase of water with their beautiful heads in full flourish before sagging on their stems which I may add they are on the brink of doing, their petals are softening but are still hanging on to the central bud before falling...
Angels drawn by Edward Stephens.
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