8.40. AM. Bus to St Catherine has just passed by.
Pins and needles down the right side of my face. Cry shop.
Dark blue sky, watery sun casting shadows across the house fronts, wind tossing the flag in the garage next door.
A very heavy sleep my face is swollen and my eyes are all teary. I have a head ache and butterfly buzzing in my tummy. Edward is still sleeping with gentle snores his left hand tenderly resting on my upper right thigh.
Stress dreams all night mixed with burning pains in my feet and ankles it is no wonder I don't feel fit to work in the shop this afternoon. I dread going every week and have anxiety attacks, shortness of breath over salivate with the burps.
Posted the gift my to Marion Archer.
10.50 PM. I have a soar throat and feel so very drained. I had a panic attack this morning. Anxiety over my car insurance with Island Insurance. Graham hospital visit today, he was off hand with me on the phone. Stress all day. I need to move at my own pace not be rail-roaded by Edward. He is good and wonderful but is just unable to understand me, women's feelings are a mystery to him.
Hot flushes when ever I eat are getting on my nervous. I need peace and rest not to be shoved along at Edwards pace. He is erratic and changeable I never know where I am with him. My face is all pins and needles with tension again this evening.
Edward gave me twenty pounds this afternoon to treat myself as he did not know what to do to ease my feelings of anxiety, that was so kind of him.
I came across a photo of Brian in an old sketch book of mine that sent shock waves strait through my system, that may be the cause of my current distress.
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