Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Thursday 3 January 6.00am.

No rain.  Frankie came round foe a cut of hot chocolate.
 I worked all day on decoration  angels. painted them with a mix of PVA glue and gold acrylic paint.  Edward did a drawing with water coloured pencils.  I have so many angels waiting to be completed  that I feel overwhelmed.  Edward agreed to attend am Alfa course because of the free meal run by Frankies church she offered to do the driving.  I could not sleep, I tried lying on the floor.  Edward eat food all day he is so fat.  I feel hungry after all the food we eat over Christmas.  I must weigh my flesh.  Pain in my right foot and ankle had to swallow an Aspirin to dull the pain for sleeping.
Edward outside our home in Lee Brightfield Blackheath SE3

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