Thursday, January 9, 2014


11.35 PM.  I don't have a novel to read myself to sleep with at present  so am attempting "Tales from the Arabian Nights."  A book I remember my father reading out aloud to me as a child so until a more tempting read comes my way the above will surface.
  Edward has just arrived ready for bed carrying two hot water bottles and a mug of hot water for me.  He struggles up  stairs groaning all the way and coughing loudly on every step. 
We had a pleasant outing to the Blind Association venue where we associated with other members present.  We played Bingo and socialized enjoying a three course lunch and raffle.  It is a very nice porpoise built centre with respite versatilities and gardens.  The volunteers and employees are all very dedicated and willing to assist wherever they can.  Edward would  much rather stay at home as he dislikes associating with older people and does not relate to any of them.. He is in denial  that he is an ageing personality being himself seventy eight years.  He gets very bored and is not interested in chit-chat but he puts on a good show of pretending to enjoy-himself. 
 It is not my cup of tea, being coughed all over by the elderly and wearing a smile stuck to my face  for three hours but the re-leaf from stress at home does me the world of good.  
The trip out alone is great as I am able to relax into the seat of James our volunteer driver's car with out being on edge the whole journey in case we crash as I am these days when Edward drives.  
The volunteer helpers do their utmost to see that every person is welcomed and valued, looked after with out tension or stress for the whole time they are there. 
 It is a very therapeutic event  to which I look forward, I have been taking along my sketch book with a view to improving my drawing.  Our driver is a volunteer and the ride through the country lanes of Jersey is totally refreshing.
Letter to Anne.  The Smart car battery has returned to its hiding place nestled beside the big fridge freezer  parked  on our front porch because there is no room in the kitchen.
Hot flushes.  I have to go to the shop tomorrow.  I dressed in readiness to attend the Elim Rock house group but it was pouring with rain at the time I attempted to leave the house so I retired into the lounge spending the evening watching my favourite television soaps Eastenders and Holby City instead.  Sorry Jesus.

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