Monday, September 16, 2013


15 Thursday AUGUST
6.59. AM.  Coffee and talking while lying in bed.  Bright sky and morning light.  There is a glow of pink light down the front face of the houses across the road as seen from our bedroom window.  Alan Fentons birthday today.  I want to photo the new trees I have recently planted in our garden as a record of their growth. 
 Release anger today let go of the desire for revenge! Release all hurts in the name of Jesus. 
 Dreamt... I attended a wedding...  Breakfast in bed a treat from my dear Edward.  Photographed the little fur tree and my baby Acer Palm in the garden.  Edward cleaned out the pool and installed a new water pump with a fountain in the upper fish pond it looks wonderful sparkling in the sunlight.  He also set up our pink raffia  umbrella as a sunshade on the patio .  Graham  phoned.  We caught the bus outside our house at 2.28 PM. for the trip to Gorey pier fete admission £6. each.  The atmosphere was great, we had a good time walking in the hot sunshine among all the stall and rides.  I bought us a Hog Roast roll with apple sauce each.  Edward bought long cool drinks in a hotel Bar.  Bus home 5.15PM. after a good day out.  I love Edward so much.  He worked very hard cleaning out the fish pond.  We both wore our special Over-Shade glass's to protect our eyes.  The colors are amazing they change the surrounding colours of the world fantastically.

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