3 Tuesday SEPTEMBER.
8.59 Bright deep blue sky, sunlight very merry and hopeful. Woke at 3.am. we talked a lot together we seem to do a lot of conversing during the night while lying in our bed together. Drank tea Edward brought up a Thermos flask of coffee for me. I tried lying on my studio bed but was still unable to sleep so I returned to the family bed. Not much sleep, I feel hungry . I have to rewash the white sheets due to marks from the washing machine soiling them during the wash cycle. I am pleased with the growth of the fur tree from Austria and the baby Acer Palm has shot up really tall with a fine stalk. The loft needs sorting out it is crowded with intriguingly bulging black plastic bags. I am going to visit Reg's Garden this morning with Jill my church ladies house group leader. I love Reg's garden it is the most famous garden in Jersey.
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