Ministry team prayer for the sick. 9.30. St Paul's church. Coffee with Jayne after the church service. House work, I vacuumed and cleaned the sun-room became very tired. Edward changed the bed covers and cleaned the bedroom and vacuumed the stair carpet. It was cold in the Church. Pain down the right side of my chest muscle. Went to the Country and Western concert with Joanna Cash performing. A complete surprise evening out with Jill. Everyone was talking about the concerts Joanna has given in Jersey this week singing evangelical Jesus songs to an amazing response with people coming forward to meet Jesus. I really wanted to attend but had no way of getting to the venue without a car until Jill from the house group ladies decided to go along taking me with her to Uni-care Church it was a great night out. I do not feel very well at all this evening, so very tired, with hot flushes.
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